President / Census / Will

Dear Mr President,  
My department has thought long and hard about the questions you have posed, namely in relation to how we are to reduce the number of individuals associated with military Jihad and in extreme poverty.
We have reached a unanimous decision in what we feel you must do to best deal with both these issues, and though we believe you may think our method suspect, we are certain it is the best thing that can be done.  
In a nutshell, you must communicate as your belief what we have named metaphysical will to evolutionary consciousness independent of a moralising agency.
In layman’s terms, this belief is that after death there will then be a sequential evolutionary reincarnation into the next available human being born of the Earth; from now on I will refer to this as SEC (Sequential Evolutionary Consciousness).  
The reason we feel you must communicate SEC as your belief, is because you have the ability to change the way people act due to having this belief, in two very important ways that are not possible if this strategy is not taken, and these are namely:  
- You will make some/many individuals associated with military Jihad think that it is more likely their death will eventuate in a new life as a reincarnated individual born into poverty on the Earth, than someone born into a non-evolutionary Heaven or Paradise
- You will make some/many individuals of wealth and power in the first world redistribute their wealth toward ending abject poverty in the first and third world because they will think it more likely they will be reborn into poverty on the Earth than relevant comfort on the Earth
Of course, this strategy must have some logical foundation, or people will just think you mad and drive you out of office. Well to counter this you must use the following philosophical rationalisation:  
1) life after life is more likely than death after life, because life is given and death is inferred
2) life after life is more likely sequential and evolutionary and not based on a moral agent making decisions who goes where and potentially to non-evolutionary habitats
Even if people think you are mad by communicating SEC, my department and I would suggest you be strong and remain committed, because your power to influence is so great and even minimal success communicating the idea will have an effect on the two issues you have asked us to counter; after all, even if SEC did have no logical foundation, is not solving the two issues what is of real importance here?  
You must be careful not to say you 'know' there is SEC, rather, you are of the opinion SEC is the more likely truth amongst all possible truths. By doing this you are removing yourself from a position of believing something with no actual proof of its eventuation; which is the incorrect position of monotheists, pantheists and atheists alike, who all have stubborn beliefs in relation to what happens at the end of this life. 
When you are asked if you no longer believe in God, we believe it is best you suggest:
‘Because there is hope, there is God and what hope is better than having eternal life and our collective selves being the wielder of the power to influence how our eternal life is experienced?’   
When asked what you think will happen when the human race ends, we believe it is best you suggest:
‘What is likely is that a new species will evolve and we will all be born into that species and hopefully in time the risk of birth into poverty in that species will be eradicated.’  
I know this whole strategy may appear strange Mr President, but you asked my department how to solve the two problems at hand and so we have given you what we believe to be the best possible answer to these problems.  
Please heed our words for the benefit of us all. 

Kind Regards,  
Bill Occam,  
Chief Philosophical Adviser


It is with great pleasure I can confirm the world census of this year shall for the first time not have the religious/spiritual denomination question included on the form.

This momentous occasion has occurred because there is now only a very small minority of educated people who do not see the world aright and do not see the truth of reality, or, in other words, nearly every adult would write they are 'philosophical' on the form, so to what end is having the question on the form at all?

We have got to this point because in eradicating abject poverty and giving democracy to all, we now have a semblance of paradise on Earth and the simple truth is everyone acknowledges that in death they want to be reborn again into life on this Earth and no one unscientifically 'accepts' this hope cannot be satiated in reality.

Please complete the census in as honest a manner as possible and on this beautiful evening, may the light of the three moons shine upon your health and happiness until the new day dawns. 


... Now I’ve dealt with all the material aspects of my will,
I must now conclude with the spiritual aspect.
Please promise me you will not think me dead and buried,
I mean, what a condescending notion!
The universe is innocent until proven guilty,
Perhaps a huge inflatable paradise dome,
Serving us all up everlasting happiness potential under it's suns.
All going well in a few months time I shall be a child again on another world
And on this world there will be no abject poverty and no religious conflict.
If by some misfortune it does not pan out this way,
Then indeed I shall be resting in peace, having this dream ...