
Is not philosophy the practice of death? 


Looking at the stars always makes me dream.  
Why, I ask myself, shouldn’t the shining dots of the sky 
Be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France? 
Just as we take the train to get to Tarascon or Rouen, 
We take death to reach a star. 

(Vincent van Gogh)


If you were granted one wish in relation to death,
Would that wish be for reincarnation?

In the consideration of my perceived death,
Either there will be reincarnation,
Or there will not be reincarnation.

Simply because there is a possibility
There might be reincarnation,
Means there may be a further consequence
Of there being poverty on the Earth,
Because however small the probability
I might be reborn into poverty on the Earth

And in considering the starry night,
I hope other conscious life-forms
Are understanding this the same as me
And acting upon their understanding,
Because if there were reincarnation,
It would perhaps not be upon this Earth,
But might well be upon another Earth
Where it were possible for there to be another Earth,

An Earth of which I could only hope was free from poverty,
For even if I had all the riches that I wanted,
I’d still wish reincarnation for eternity
Onto Earths of non-poverty, democracy and opportunity
To protect and preserve continuity.


If you were granted one wish in relation to death,
Would that wish be for resurrection?
I imagine, in resurrection I have lived for a million years,
The same people, the same places
Fill my head and I pine for rebirth
And not this throbbing mind of memory,
A supposed bliss, yet absent of opportunity
To protect and preserve as necessity.

Oh, how a million years ago,
I would have wished to be
Just born again anew
On planets behind the stars
And to travel the galaxies
Sensing evolution’s infinite possibilities…

With only one desire
And that to be free to do as I choose,
I would need Earths of non-poverty and democracy
Simply for cosmological travel insurance!

But of course, I seem mortal
And while I hope there is no way
To send me to the imagined hell,
I also hope for nature to reawaken me,
Regardless of my morality
And in strict accordance
With my favoured explanatory:

Because there is incarnation,
Is there not reincarnation
And for eternity?


The above is an abridged version of Philosophy (The Love of Wisdom), available to preview in it entirety and purchase as a hardcover dust-jacket book here